Jobness: April 2005 Archives

Campo di Bocce


At this moment, I am sitting in my backyard with a glass of cider at my side and my bare feet swishing through the grass. Technology is grand. This is a much more civilized way to spend an evening than my evenings of late. I'm feeling more relaxed than I have in some time. In the back of my mind, I have blog entries in the works hanging over my head, but it's hardly a Sword of Damocles, and who knows, I may yet get to one of them.

This afternoon my employers took us all out to Campo di Bocce as a show of gratitude for our delivering our 2.2 release, and making our numbers this past quater. We had a nice lunch, and then retired to the courts.

This was an altogether different experience from playing in my grandparents (Nazzaro, to give you some perspective) backyard. First of all, there was alcohol involved (well, ok, that's not different, but I was partaking). On the whole, though, there was a lot less yelling and gesticulating (and tantrums, and nobody was ever struck with a flying pallino). A very different game, indeed.

But on the whole, I enjoyed myself, and I might consider going back at a future date. I'll even promise to be on my best behavior.

I think I'll working the photos I took instead of the entries that are still rolling around in my head.

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This page is a archive of entries in the Jobness category from April 2005.

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