August 2006 Archives

Golden Gate Social Bike Ride! (pt.2)


It's a bit short on the notice, but I was wondering if anyone would be interested in trying this again? (this time, with a much more amenable start time!)

Edit: I was just reminded that the Speakeasy anniversary is Saturday. I plan to be incapable of staying upright on a bicycle, thus disqualifying me from doing this on Saturday.

Saturday, August 19 or Sunday, August 20th (this coming Sunday). Sometime in the late morning to early afteroon, this time the start time is negotiable. I know better than to give folks a choice, but I'm open both days, if we have a majority one day, we'll try that day. If not, I may just have to ride both days.
Anyone who has a bike, can manage to stay (mostly) upright on it, and wants to ride across the Golden Gate Bridge (C'mon! It's fun! You should do it at least once!)
Riding a bicycle across the Golden Gate Bridge. Also, you might want to consult your doctor about ADHD, and/or cut down on the fine herb that appears to be clouding your short-term memory.
At a minimum, the bridge itself, but see below.



Last night I found myself marveling: at the fact that I'd (we'd) finally moved to the city, at the fact that it allowed me to be quite a bit more social than I normally was, but mostly at the fact that I was wandering drunk down Market St. toward 8th, where I'd pick up the bus to take me home, at 10pm on a Monday night thoroughly enjoying the sensation, at least in part because I didn't have far to go.

I'd just come from Hotel B[*]...something, a shishi wine bar where I'd met up with Salim and, coincidentally, Aram, and just spent a lovely few hours.

The other source of my amusement was something I'd put together before, but I don't think I'd shared it here: alcohol tolerance is a function of (among other things) body mass. My own tolerance has gone down perceptibly now that there is 24% less of me. I'm becoming a cheaper date. I never remember that up front. That's what I get for drinking so much wine on an empty stomach.

[*] Every time I try to remember the name of the bar I think "Hotel Baronni" as in Baron Greenback's yes-man Stiletto's "Si, Baronni", and start giggling. It's actually Hôtel Biron.



Note: This was actually written last week, but there were issues posting it. I should also compose a wrap-up of this weekend (and perhaps I will on the train)

[...It would appear that this has devolved into a recap of the weekend. C'est la vie. At least it's something.]

I've gone and done it again. I've withdrawn from the outside world. I've had a few entries rolling around in my head for a while now. They fall into major and minor categories. The major ones I'll continue procrastinating for a while longer, as they'll take much longer to get out (though I may hammer on one or two of them some more after I finish here).

That leaves the minor (minutæ) entries of no import. I've collected them all into one entry to make them easier to ignore. They themselves fall into a few broad subcategories.

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