Couture: February 2007 Archives

I Want to Believe


Now that work has returned to a (more) sustainable pace, I'm finding time & energy to catch up on things for which I'd pretty much given up on having time.

I'm WAAAAAAY behind on Battlestar Galactica[1], and because I'm catching up, I'm seeing (well, "fast-forwarding") commercials that are months old.

Along the way, I caught the teaser for The Lost Room. I was immediately reminded of the "House of Renunciation[2]," and thus my interest was piqued. I want to believe. I want it to be good. But I also know the quality of most "Sci-Fi Original Series"[3]. I've seen more commercials since that first that indicate my first impression is probably off base, and yet I can't completely shake it.

And here we have the darker side of Tivo. Baiting me with teasers for shows that have already come & gone.

So, did anyone see it? Was it any good? Is it worth tracking down?

[1] For those of you following along at home, I just watched a few back to back, and I just saw the boxing episode. Yeah, that behind.

[2] Dammit, I can't find a decent link for this one. Have a generic Unknown Armies link instead. Hmm, that one is probably less than helpful, I guess you could try the original source.

[3] Man-squito. 'nuf said.

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This page is a archive of entries in the Couture category from February 2007.

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