

I have a new favorite sandwich. It may not qualify as a perfect sandwich, but it has many of those elements, nonetheless.

1) Trader Joe's Sprouted Rye1
2) Lighthouse Jalapeño Ranch dressing2
3) 2 oz. of paper thin smoked turkey breast3

I don't think you need instructions on how to assemble a sandwich. But allow me to point out that the dressing is the balancing act here. You want enough to get a touch of heat, but not so much that it drowns out the smoke or the caraway (the dill will probably have no trouble cutting through it)

1 This bread makes a great platform for sandwiches. It's a REAL4 sprouted wheat-berry base with sprouted rye, and not just carraway seeds, but celery, poppy, and sunflower seeds as well, plus dill. Mmmmm dill.

2Ok, you can use whatever bread-softening, wet barrier fat you'd like, but humor me, just try it my way first, I was surprised at the combination. WW folks: don't skip this step, the bread needs it. You might consider measuring out 1 Tbsp. of dressing (1pt). It's WORTH that.

3The turkey should melt in your mouth. That thin.

4 I'm sorry, but IMNSHO, any bread with high-fructose corn syrup in the first 3 ingredients shouldn't be called "wheat" bread, and anywhere in the ingredients list, it shouldn't be called "100% wheat bread"

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