Velo-city: June 2006 Archives

Cantilever brakes are still the bane of my %$#!&ing (bike maintenance) existence. Only an engineer could have thought that a single nut to adjust 4 degrees of freedom simultaneously was a good thing. I marvel at the simplicity, but it means that the slightest adjustment becomes "time to start over." I'm also out of practice, though regular practice never really helped all that much.

I hope they're toed properly, because I'm not taking it for a test ride tonight. I don't think I could take starting over again.

EDIT: (7:30am) Test ride complete. They appear to be toed & adjusted correctly. I'm not THAT far out of practice.

GGB Ride Tomorrow!


Last chance!

If any of you were thinking about riding with us over the Golden Gate Bridge tomorrow and hadn't spoken up yet, please get ahold of me. You're more than welcome to come, but arrangements are being made.

Currently I'm meeting folks at 17th & Valencia at about 9:20 and making our way up to Golden Gate Park. The current plan is to try the Marin Headlands ride. Stork says it's gorgeous, and I've never actually done it. I'm still more than happy to go with folks to Sausalito, though.

Golden Gate Social Bike Ride!


I'm putting together an all-abilities, all-ages, slow as molasses, stop & smell the roses bicycle ride over the Golden Gate Bridge on Saturday 6/10.

I keep putting this announcement off, and if I do that much longer, I'll be riding alone, since nobody will have been alerted. I first mentioned this in a LiveJournal comment buried in a thread several levels deep. The electronic equivalent of the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying "Beware of the Leopard."

Saturday, June 10th (next Saturday, not tomorrow). My plan is to start at my house at 9am. If I'm riding alone, I can probably be at the bridge in 30 minutes, but connecting with people will modify that, and the schedule for this ride is necessarily a bit flexible. I'm open to other ideas (see below)
Anyone who has a bike, can manage to stay (mostly) upright on it, and wants to ride across the Golden Gate (C'mon! It's fun! You should do it at least once!)
Riding a bicycle across the Golden Gate Bridge. Also, you might want to consult your doctor about ADHD, and/or cut down on the fine herb clouding your short-term memory.
At a minimum, the Bridge, but see below

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This page is a archive of entries in the Velo-city category from June 2006.

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